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Harbor Care Health & Wellness Center

Harbor Care’s Health and Wellness Center provides high quality, professional health care services for all ages. Offerings include primary care, preventive care, oral/dental care, and behavioral health care (substance use treatment, psychiatry, and mental health care). Services are integrated with many of Harbor Care’s other programs to address social determinants of health.  

Services are offered face-to-face through three locations in Nashua and through telehealth. Through interpreters and multi-lingual staff, our services are available in most languages. We also make sure everyone in our community, regardless of insurance or income, can access care. Please call (603) 821-7788 to schedule a visit today, or contact us.

Patient Portal

Visit our new Patient Portal - a secure online website that gives patients convenient, 24-hour access to personal health information from anywhere with an Internet connection. Using a secure username and password, you will be able to view your health information, including appointments, payment options, and medications. Learn all about the Portal with the FAQs here.

“No Wrong Door” Care

As a patient-centered Medical Home, Harbor Care has a team of medical professionals who coordinate patient care. Patients may work with doctors, nurses, physician assistants, behavioral health providers, health educators, and other healthcare professionals to get the life-long care they and their families need. Services are offered in all languages, including English and Spanish. 

Patients may also access other resources, such as housing or insurance support, when appropriate. Sometimes the most effective treatment for long-term health is a safer place to live, nutritious food, or reliable transportation. Through our integrated care model, we help patients to combat health crises of all kinds. Visit our Impact Page to learn more.

Harbor Care’s health center receives HHS funding and has Federal PHS-deemed status with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including medical malpractice claims, for itself and its covered individuals.

High-quality, Affordable Care

Thanks to the support of many donors and funders, we offer care to all those in need, including those without insurance or the ability to pay for services, using a sliding-fee scale based on income. We accept most insurances, including Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance.

Please contact us with any questions about insurance or payment, or to schedule an appointment with our Insurance Navigator, who can help you understand and apply for any insurance you may be eligible to receive. 

Servicios en Español — and More

Through interpreters and multi-lingual staff, our services are available in most languages.

Healthcare Services

HRSA Service Corps

As a National Service Health Service Corps site, we promise to serve all patients; offer discounted services and fees for patients who qualify; not deny services based on a person’s race, color, sex, age, national origin, disability, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, or inability to pay; accept insurance, including: Medicaid, Medicare, and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

Harbor Care Health & Wellness Center has been awarded recognition by the National Committee for Quality Assurance for Patient-Centered Connected Care and Behavioral Health Integration. Click here for more information.

NOTICE TO PATIENTS: This practice serves all patients regardless of ability to pay. Discounts for essential services are offered based on family size and income. For more information, ask at the front desk or visit our website at Thank you.

AVISO PARA PACIENTES: Esta práctica sirve a todos los pacientes, independientemente de la capacidad de pago. Descuentos para los servicios esenciales son ofrecidos dependiendo de tamaño de la familia y de los ingresos. Usted puede solicitar un descuento en la recepción o visita nuestro sitio web a Gracias.



 Housing Services

Housing For The Homeless: Transitional and Permanent

Homelessness rarely has one cause. Unemployment, illness, substance use, mental illness—any combination of these can permanently disrupt a family’s housing. 

Harbor Care is dedicated to helping community members, including veterans, solve the crises keeping them homeless. In our housing programs, clients not only gain access to a home, but also jobs, health care, child care, transportation, and independence. 

Using evidence-based practices proven to end the cycle of homelessness, such as by using “housing as healthcare,” our approach has a tremendous impact on our community. Please visit our impact page to learn more.

I Need Housing Help

If you or your family are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless, please call our region’s coordinated entry line at 1-844-800-9911. This system is not run by the Harbor Care, but will find you a best-fit program, which often is one of ours.

Housing through Harbor Homes, Inc.

The types of housing and related services we offer are highly specialized and customized to meet each client’s unique needs. We work with individuals and families most commonly challenged by homelessness, including veterans and individuals with chronic illness, such as HIV/AIDS, chronic mental illness, and substance use. Programs include support services, like case management and healthcare. 

The Harbor Care, through Harbor Homes, operates the most supportive housing in New Hampshire. Our programs include:

  • Permanent Supportive Housing - Long-term, subsidized housing with support services provided on-site and in the community for individuals and families experiencing severe and persistent mental illness or substance use disorder

  • Transitional Housing for Veterans - Time-limited housing for veterans and their families experiencing homelessness with intensive supports to quickly gain independence

  • Licensed Community Residences - 24/7 staffed, long-term communal housing for individuals living with severe and persistent mental illness


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 Substance Use Services

Harbor Care’s Treatment and Recovery Services

Addiction is not the end—it is the beginning of the recovery journey. Harbor Care helps hundreds of men, women, adolescents, and families enter the world of recovery every year. If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse, alcoholism, addiction, or co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, we can help. Please contact us today for a confidential, over-the-phone assessment. 

Treating Everyone, Fully

Harbor Care is uniquely designed to support your recovery journey—with or without insurance. No one is turned away, regardless of ability to pay. A full range of quality residential and outpatient services are offered so that we can accompany clients on their journeys from the first time they consider treatment to long-term recovery. 

We offer:

Clients gain access to a full array of recovery support services offered through Harbor Care and community partners, which may include recovery housing, child care, employment services, primary and mental health care, oral health care, and more.

All treatment and services are clinically appropriate, gender-specific, trauma-informed, and follow the latest evidence-based practices, using a Harm Reduction model of care.  Co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders are treated together, as part of an integrated care approach that also includes physical and oral health, and social determinants of health, such as housing and employment.

Substance Use in Our Community

Since the opioid crisis, New Hampshire residents have struggled with drug use more than ever before. Parents, spouses, grandparents, children, cousins, friends—everybody knows somebody struggling with or in recovery from addiction. Not only is it common, addiction is:

  • Painful: Depression, anxiety, and trauma often lead to addiction.

  • Lonely: Substance misuse breaks family ties and often leads to homelessness.

  • Expensive: Alcohol and drug use costs the state economy $2 billion each year.

  • Deadly: Hundreds of Granite Staters lose their lives each year to drugs and alcohol.

  • Generational: Children of parents experiencing addiction are more likely to develop substance misuse.

But above all, addiction can be overcome. Harbor Care is helping New Hampshire gain access to life-saving treatment, regardless of an individual’s ability to pay. We integrate our treatments with primary and behavioral care as well as social supports that lead to employment, mended families, and a new life in recovery.  


Each year we help hundreds of NH residents enter into recovery. You can read more on our impact page. Ultimately, clients are helped in profound ways that can be hard to measure. Individuals who choose to engage in our treatment and rehab programs start a path of recovery, empowerment, and self-sufficiency. They begin to lead their own lives, on their terms, with respect and dignity for themselves and others. Access to comprehensive medical and behavioral health care is provided. Doctors and clinicians form a team with clients and patients to map out unique paths to recovery. Jobs are secured and retained. Children are reunited with their mothers and fathers. Families function again. 

Recovery is a gift, and we can help you take full advantage of it. It is a privilege to serve the men and women on their journeys in the world of recovery. Contact us today and begin your own journey, joining thousands of other NH community members that Harbor Care has helped.



 Veterans FIRST

Veterans Services From Harbor Care

In 2004, the body of a homeless veteran was found along the banks of the Nashua River in New Hampshire. Staff from Harbor Care were outraged and began to work to get veterans the housing and support they deserved.

Veterans FIRST

Today, few organizations in New Hampshire do more for our veterans than Harbor Care. Our veteran services and programs, Veterans FIRST, give veterans a clear pathway to housing, jobs, and independence. We offer:

We also offer permanent housing to veterans living with chronic illnesses. 

Harbor Care believes in helping veterans use their own strengths to get back on their feet. First and foremost, we use a “Housing First” model of care to provide veterans with stable housing so they can begin working on the lives they want to lead. Then, with our unique mix of “veterans helping veterans” housing, employment services, and supportive services, we help each veteran follow a pathway to success.

Veteran Homelessness in New Hampshire

Far too many veterans end up homeless in New Hampshire. More than 5,000 veterans in New Hampshire struggle to afford housing every year. Reasons include:

  • The skills earned through military training do not always translate to jobs in the civilian sector.

  • Veterans in New Hampshire earn less than their peers and are more likely to be unemployed. 

  • Many veterans have service-connected physical handicaps, depression, or substance use disorder. 

It is unacceptable that we abandon our service members just because they have completed their enlistments. We ensure our veterans live the dignified lives they have earned. 

Impact on Veterans

In Greater Nashua, we achieved and maintain an effective end to veteran homelessness, meaning every veteran who falls into homelessness gets the immediate support they need to regain safe, stable housing. We are now working to replicate this feat statewide, by making sure every homeless veteran in New Hampshire gets the supports they need. To learn more, visit our impact page.



 Mental Illness Services

Harbor Care Mental Illness Support Services

The very first program of Harbor Homes and Harbor Care—all the way back in 1982—was a home for people exiting New Hampshire’s mental health institutions. Since then, we have learned a lot about mental illness and behavioral health disorders. Our staff provide the supports which can bring clients out of unemployment or living on the streets to a steady job and a safe home. If you or a loved one could benefit from supports for mental illness, please contact us for a consultation.

Supports Whenever, or Forever

Mental illness, as any illness, is unique to the person, and a good treatment plan is just as unique. Our range of services, from outpatient therapies to around-the-clock supports, gives us the tools to help everybody — even those with severe symptoms. Through our healthcare arm, we are able to provide mental healthcare, including psychiatry, and through our Housing and Home Care services, we provide day-to-day home-based supports for individuals with chronic mental illness.

Additional service include:

Through our programs, our clients regain their footing and thrive. 

Chronic Mental Illness in Our Community

In New Hampshire, mental illness is common. Around 50,000 adults and 15,000 children live with serious mental illness. Examples of chronic mental illnesses include:

  • Bipolar disorder

  • Persistent depressive disorder

  • Generalized anxiety disorder

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Schizophrenia

Many NH residents struggle to find proper health care for their mental illness. Others struggle to afford care, even when they have insurance. It is a sad fact that people who earn less money are less likely to get mental health care and more likely to go untreated. If symptoms progress, they may need to be hospitalized; sometimes they lose their jobs or homes.


Harbor Care works hard to make sure everybody who needs mental health care,  gets it. We help people get insurance and offer subsidies or free care whenever possible. At our Harbor Care Health and Wellness Center, mental and behavioral health care is the most frequently used service. 

Our decades of dedication to this issue have had an impact. While mental illness is the most common cause of chronic homelessness, our programs and services have drastically cut the number of people who experience chronic homelessness in Greater Nashua. See our Impact page to learn more.


 HIV/AIDS Services

Harbor Care HIV/AIDS Services

With proper treatment, HIV/AIDS is no longer a death sentence, but it does require a treatment regimen that is complex and expensive. Harbor Care works hard to make sure everyone in our community with HIV/AIDS has the tools they need to access and maintain treatment, and remove barriers to care. If you or a loved one is living with HIV/AIDS, help is available. To get more information or to schedule an intake, please call (603) 595-8464.

Whole-Person Support

Our HIV/AIDS supports foster a feeling of safety and comfort—a welcoming environment that can be rare for people living with HIV/AIDS. All direct care services are offered in both English and Spanish (LanguageLine for other languages), and are free of charge to most New Hampshire community members who earn incomes at or below 500% of the Federal Poverty Level.

HIV/AIDS Services

  • Medical Case Management, Housing, & More: At the heart of our program, our experienced case managers link clients with health care, housing, all Harbor Care services, as well as transportation services and healthy food through our pantry. We may also extend emergency rent and utility payment assistance to those who qualify to prevent homelessness.

  • Peer Support Services: We host groups and provide one-on-one support for individuals living with HIV/ AIDS.

  • Prevention Services are provided for those newly diagnosed or at-risk, including partner testing, as well as PrEP and PEP medications.

Overcoming HIV/AIDS 

New Hampshire is on a path to end the spread of HIV/AIDS. Treatment regimens can be difficult; however, when people with HIV are able to maintain their medication, the virus becomes undetectable in their blood, making it impossible to transmit through sexual contact

This is why we need to make sure everybody with HIV has a home. If someone is homeless, maintaining treatment is extremely difficult…and if somebody is struggling to afford treatment, they may be at-risk of homelessness. Our HIV/AIDS pathway of services helps keep everyone in our community stable, safe, and healthy. 


Harbor Care predates the HIV epidemic. The courage of our clients and the compassion of our community in the face of HIV/AIDS over the last several decades has been extraordinary. Today, we can house all individuals with HIV/AIDS in our community. Nearly all clients maintain viral suppression, which keeps themselves and the community safe. See our Impact page.

We look forward to guiding New Hampshire to the end of its HIV/AIDS epidemic.



 Dental Care

Harbor Care Dental Services

Good oral hygiene reflects a healthy body. Neglecting one’s oral hygiene can lead to other serious health issues, such as heart disease and diabetes. Visit your dentist every six months. Regular visits allow the dentist to identify any potential problems that you may not have noticed and address them. For more information regarding good oral health practices, or to schedule an appointment, contact us today at (603) 821-7788

Services Provided

  • Exams (new patient and recalls)

  • Emergencies

  • Cleanings

  • Deep cleanings

  • Fillings (tooth color matched)

  • Extractions (simple and surgical)

  • Sealants & fluoride treatments

  • X-rays

  • Dentures (complete and partials)

  • Root canals (anterior and biscuspid)

  • Crowns

  • Night guards

Why Choose Us? Which of the many reasons to choose Harbor Care Dental Clinic are most important to you?

Meet Our Team Our friendly staff is dedicated to making your visit a pleasant one.

Patient Instructions Please read our instructions before your visit. Thank you!

Payment Options We have a plan to fit every budget. 

Tips for Good Oral Health

Brush your teeth twice daily and remember to floss the teeth every day. Regular flossing prevents cavities and gingivitis. Nutrition also plays a vital role in good oral health. Be mindful of when you eat. Frequent shacking throughout the day can result in acid attacks, leading to cavities and tooth decay. Consuming plenty of water is extremely important, as it neutralizes acids in the mouth. Choosing low sugar foods is also vital for oral health. Schedule an appointment with your dentist every six months for a check-up and thorough cleaning.
